The Microsoft Windows Revolution

Microsoft windows has revolutionized and shaped the computing world as far back as I can remember, not merely because I grew up a fan boy of the brand.The simple fact that it has somehow stood the tide and come out to even compete with present day technological advancements in mobile tech, mobile Operating Systems Giants such as: The Google Android OS, The Apple iOS & The Blackberry OS Platform to mention but a few; the aforementioned are some of the current heavyweights in the Smart Phone Industry. This undoubtedly could be very challenging times for the once dominant PC Industry strongholds like:Windows, Apple, IBM and a host of others as they hope to keep their heads above water not just in competition between themselves anymore but now in competition arising from the Smart Phone Manufacturers. Smart Phones have since evolved and experienced its own fair-share of ups & downs in all fairness to regular PC & Mac users, Smart phones are not here to just make a fas...